


So, just where the hell have I been?

It's been a long journey since September.  That's when I was first diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder. And that was when I was turned away from the "rapid weight loss" program at the hospital.  And, looking back, that was the right action though at the time it felt very much like a door slamming shut.

Since then I have been slowly, painfully relearning what it is to trust my own body's signals for hunger and satiety. I have been experimenting with eating foods that had been OFF LIMITS for years. And years and years and years.  And I've been working with a wonderful Dietician certified in coaching Intuitive Eating.

Perhaps in some later posts I'll explore the minutia of Intuitive Eating (hereafter IE).  But, for now and the next few posts, I want to talk about the baby steps I've made.  I'd like to begin with:


Dieting is all about having no trust in yourself.  Indeed dieting is explicitly teaching you that you cannot trust all! Dieting is putting all of your trust in an external system. And, when you fail to measure up to that system's standards, dieting is the judge and jury of your weakness and failure. I was convinced I could not trust myself with these signals because they were contrary to "the plan" and therefore I must be wrong.

Now that I am getting away from dieting, I have been learning to trust my self.  I am relearning what it means to have hunger and trust in the meaning of that feeling.  It need not be feeling of being famished, but to pay attention to that first pang of an empty stomach.  And relearning what it is to be be satisfied.

These signals are completely atrophied in me.  Hunger cues are easier, but I still find myself panicking when I get that first pang because I have 30 years of "Hunger=Bad".  Satiety is much, much harder.  I've never, ever, ever known what it is to stop at satisfied. I was taught to stop when my plate was clean.  Stop when you've had your money's worth. Stop when you literally cannot stomach another bite.

People with Binge Eating Disorders, I've read, will struggle the most with these feelings of satisfaction.  But I've had some limited success...

About a month ago, I was visiting friends in Kansas.  They took me out to a Chinese Buffet...and I freaked out.  I knew I was going to overeat and feel terrible physically and emotionally.  I didn't want to go, but they are dear friends (and they were paying! :) ).  And the most remarkable thing happened.  I stopped.  I had a small salad, a full plate of entrees and a second, much smaller serving of entrees.  And I checked in and felt...peaceful.  So I decided to stop.  And I did not feel hungry the rest of the evening.

It isn't always that easy.  Far from it.  But I go back to that place in my mind when I need to check in and see where I'm at along the hunger-satiety spectrum.

Relearning trust is as good a place to start as anywhere.  Indeed, trust was a constant theme throughout the "rapid weight loss" program.  I did not trust myself.  I still don't in a lot of ways.  But it's coming along.


Conversations in my Head

brain diagramNice. I like the new digs.

Hey Left Hand Guy. What's up?

Just thought I'd drop by and say hello.
I have a feeling I won't be visiting very often.

No. I think you're right. 

We had a good run, you and I.


So.....where do I go from here?

I don't know.
This is kinda new for me too.


Fail what? 
You can only fail when there are rules.  
There are no rules. 
There are no foods that are forbidden.

You already figured that out, huh?

Well, I'm getting there.

So...just what are you doing?

I am learning to trust.
 I've spent nearly 20 years ignoring 
things when I eat. 
Simple things. 
Like what it is to be hungry. 
And what it is to be satisfied.

Aha! So...when you do overeat
or when you get too hungry,
I'll be there to make sure you FAIL!

But in a few hours, I'll probably
 be hungry again, 
and I can practice 
trusting those cues again. So...


Hey. Listen Left Hand Guy.
 I could use your help.


Yeah. I really am having a hard time
 learning what these hunger cues are. 
If you could see fit to help me recognize...


There you go.  
You always claimed 
that you were, 
deep down, 
trying to help. 
How about you use
 those powers for good?

I don't know.

You might as well. 
You don't scare me anymore. 
And the whole shame think never really worked.

Sooo...this is a truce?


 This is peace.


Beginning Anew

What is this?

It's the second version of my online journaling.  You can visit version 1.0 if you want. Oh, and that's how I'll refer to it in this debut post.  

Why the change?

Because I changed. 1.0 was a multi year journey and I learned a lot.  But I've also had some life changing experiences in the span of just a few months.  I'm no longer on that journey that 1.0 set me on.  I needed a new stable to call home.

What changed?

I gave up dieting.  Seriously.  That changed everything. 1.0 was a deep exploration of what was going on inside as I struggled with my weight, my eating, my dieting, my life, and my emotional roller coaster in dealing with it all.

Yeah, but what changed really?

I was diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder this fall.  And suddenly everything I was writing on 1.0 was...I don't know the right word.  Wrong? Mistaken? 

How do you mean?

I spent 4 years on a "medically supervised rapid weightloss" program. And I poured 4 years of trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.  I explored emotions and beliefs. And I shared it with my small readership.  But it was a failure.  The diet that is.  I tend to think of 1.0 as a success.  I did learn a lot about myself. 

So. If it was a "success," why abandon it?

Because it has too much history. One that I cherish, but one that I must walk away from if I'm going to move forward.

I don't understand.

I spent 4 effin' years on a "rapid" weightloss program. And you know what I learned? How to sneak food. How to feel guilty about food.  How to obsess about food. How to crave food. How to shame myself because of food. I spent 4 years berating myself and wishing I just had enough willpower to not give in, not eat, not crave and not live in shame.

But it did not work. Because instead of finding health, I developed an eating disorder. Basically, I'm bulimic without the vomiting. I was in a never ending cycle of self imposed starvation and out of control binging. It wreaked havoc on my body, my mind and my spirit.

I was done.  And 1.0 had to end because that is the end of that story.

What now?

I have no idea. I've been working with a both a conventional therapist and a nutritional therapist. I have gained back half of my lost weight. I eat what ever I want. 

And I am scared to death.